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Did you know there are only 150 black women with PhDs in astronomy or physics in the U.S.? Thousands of white men earned physics degrees last year alone. Clearly something is wrong with the system, and I'm trying to do my part to fix it. Click the button to create a more equitable environment wherever you are!

for companies

I use astronomy to teach people the skills they need to apply the scientific method to their problems. No matter what industry you work in, I can help you and your team improve by reducing your biases through science. Click the button to start thinking like a scientist!

for schools

I've researched planets, stars, galaxies, and the origins of our universe, and given talks about everything from water molecules to dark matter. I think space is pretty cool, and I'd like to share it with you. Click the button to learn more about my research!

for everyone

Worldbuilding is exactly what it sounds like -- it's the process of creating a new fictional world. I can help you jumpstart the creative process, or refine a world you've already created. Click the button to make your world come to life!

Speaking topics

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