NYSci Access
Have you ever been overwhelmed by competing priorities or too-tight constraints at work? Do you ever find yourself getting defensive when a colleague questions your actions? Have you ever been unfairly swayed by a pretty picture in a presentation? These are just a few examples of times when bias can creep into your professional life. Biases are everywhere, but they don’t have to be. You can eliminate your biases using one powerful tool: science!
I use astronomy to teach people the skills they need to apply the scientific method to their problems. Whether you work in business, government, or anything else where you make decisions that affect the world, I can help you.
Invite me to give a workshop at your organization! Or, if you aren't convinced yet, take this quiz to learn how strong your scientific skills are.
There are 5 steps to the scientific method. I'll teach you how to follow them when you're solving problems at work. Keep reading for more details!
Introductory workshop on the benefits of approaching problems like a scientist
Observables vs. learnables
stop yourself from jumping to harmful conclusions by learning how to tell the difference between the raw information you absorb and the inferences you make
Asking the right questions
save yourself from tunnel vision and open yourself to expansive thinking by learning how to frame your work in terms of questions instead of huge tasks​
Quick and dirty math
​get used to doing rapid rough calculations in your head so you can quickly analyze data, develop plans, and double check information you're given​
Playing with units
stretch your abstract thinking muscles while you learn how to manipulate units to create ​analytical metrics
Building equations
practice weighing the ways different factors will affect your desired outcomes​
Iterating processes
practice problem solving by making small changes to consecutive experiments ​until you reach your desired conclusion
Planning under constraints
- ​strengthen your mental juggling abilities by learning how to keep multiple constraints in mind at once
Proving yourself wrong
learn how to question your work without doubting yourself so you can catch your mistakes before they affect the world
Visualizing & interpreting data
learn best practices for showing off that data you spent so much time gathering and while you're at it, learn how to avoid being fooled by your colleagues' pretty graphics​
Communicating complex ideas
get comfortable absorbing and regurgitating information quickly and make yourself an invaluable member of your team by being the only person who can actually tell clients what you do​